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WRFDA Practical Session

Welcome to the WRFDA Tutorial Practical Sessions.

The path names on this web site are tailored for the UCAR/COMET classroom environment. The path names that start with / are absolute paths and they are specific to the classroom computers. The paths that do not start with / are relative paths. Users need to fill in or change the full path names when necessary.

The exercises are categorized as basic, optional and advanced. For basic exercises, preset namelists and step-by-step commands are provided to guide the first-time users through the procedures. For the advanced practices listed in the end of each basic practice page, users need to refer to the documentions to figure out how to accomplish the tasks.

On COMET classroom computers:

/kumquat/users/$USER/DA is the main working directory for WRFDA practice.

To open an X-window terminal, use one of the methods below.

  • Click the "Terminal" shortcut on your desktop
  • Click and hold the right mouse button, then select open terminal.
  • From the Menu (located at the top-left corner of the screen):
    Applications -> Accessories -> terminal (near the end of the list).

Text Editors

  • vi
  • emacs
  • nedit


  • display
  • xv
  • kghostview
  • idt


Download data from HOME
Once you are back at your home institution, you can download the tutorial test datasets and visit WRFDA users site to download the source code to continue practicing.

WRF Home Page
WRFDA Users Page
WRF-ARW Users Page

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