WRFDA Tutorial, August 2017
WRFDA Practice Sessions

Welcome to the WRFDA Tutorial Practice Sessions. If this is your first time in the classroom, please read the following introductory information. If not, you can continue to the list of practice sessions.

These practice pages are designed for the Summer 2017 WRFDA tutorial at NCAR Foothills lab. The path names on this web site are tailored for the NCAR classroom environment. The path names that start with / are absolute paths and they are specific to the classroom computers. The paths that do not start with / are relative paths. Users need to fill in or change the full path names when necessary.

The exercises are organized in the order each topic is introduced. For each exercise, you will have a basic practice with preset namelists and step-by-step commands to guide the first-time users through the procedures. Most exercises also contain additional practice listed in the end of each page; for these additional exercises, users will need to refer to documention and previous lessons to figure out how to accomplish the tasks.

On NCAR classroom computers:

/classroom/users/$USER/DA is the main working directory for WRFDA practice. If you are just starting the practice sessions, you will need to create this directory.

WRFDA is controlled and executed completely using commands from a terminal. To open a terminal window for working from the command line, click on the Applications Menu (located at the top-left corner of the screen). Then go to Utilities -> Terminal (at the end of the list).

For all exercises you will need to use a text editor from the command line. The following text editors are available:

Text editors

  • nano (probably the easiest for a beginner)
  • vi
  • emacs


  • display (for PDF files)
  • ncview (for netCDF/WRF files)

Which to choose?

A brief visual guide for selecting a command-line text editor


Once you are back at your home institution, you can download the tutorial test datasets and download the source code to continue your practice.

WRFDA Users Page
WRF-ARW Users Page
WRF Home Page

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