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Using MADIS observations with WRFDA and/or WRF

MADIS is an observation database utilized by a large number of users in the atmospheric research and operational communities. WRF and WRFDA are unable to use MADIS-formatted observations directly, however, we have developed the MADIS2LITTLER converter package, which converts MADIS observations into LITTLE_R format, a text-based format which is readable by both WRF (for observation nudging, e.g. FDDA) and WRFDA. Information on installing and running the converter can be found in the README file contained in the package.

Before using the MADIS2LITTLER converter, you will need to download and install the MADIS Applications Program Interface (API). This software is maintained by the NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory, and can be downloaded here.

The most recent version of the code is Version 1.2, released on June 12, 2014. See the bottom of this page or the package's README for the update history.


To download the MADIS2LITTLER converter:

Fill out the registration form by clicking 'New Users' below, or select 'Returning Users' if you have already registered to download WRF or WRFDA in the past. You will be redirected to the WRF download page, where you can find the converter by clicking the "Utilities" link at the top right of the screen.

New Users

Returning Users


Update history

  • Version 1.0, October 2013: Original release
  • Version 1.1, February 2014: Fixed incorrect location for madislib.a in compile script
  • Version 1.2, June 2014: Updated for MADIS API version 4.2, bugs fixed