Map Description

Bind is a two site map (A and B) that has attackers infiltrating from a beach coast.

Site A is accessible through an alleyway in the middle of the map called “short A” or through a building’s hallway called, “showers”.

Site B is accessible by a path along the beach called “long B” or through a marketplace and window called “hookah”.

A unique aspect of this map is that there are two one-way teleporters. One teleporter takes you from long B to the attacker’s side of showers. The other takes you from short A to the attacker’s side of hookah.

These allow both attackers and defenders alike to quickly rotate or flank the opposing team.

The teleporter is incredibly noisy so it is somewhat risky to do so if your enemies are expecting it. You can also throw projectiles, drones, and guns through teleporters.

One ultimate orb can be found inside the showers while the other is at long B right in front of the teleporter.