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AmbientSound (UT)

UT :: Actor (UT) >> Keypoint (UT) >> AmbientSound (Package: Engine)

See AmbientSound for the UT2003 version of this class.

  1. Under your actor class, select Keypoint → AmbientSound
  2. Add it to your level where you want the sound to originate from.
  3. You can edit the radius and volume in the Actor Properties Window.
  4. In the sound browser, load a sound file of your choosing...
  5. Select the sound you wish to use. Then expand the Sound group of the actor's properties, click on the AmbientSound property and click the "use" button. The name of your chosen sound should appear in the property box.
  6. Activate realtime preview in a 3D UnrealEd Viewport to hear it. This helps in getting the right radius, pitch and volume for your effect.

You can see the radius of the sound as a blue circle in any UnrealEd Viewport that is set to show Actor radii, although it's only a rough indication because the volume seting also affects how far the sound is heard.

Note that any actor can be made to emit sound by setting the same properties.

See also the Dynamics main topic page.

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