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Chongqing Page

This is our Chongqing Page: where we store chongqed versions of spamvertising links spammers have posted here.

This is simple. We encourage others to set links to chongqed.org using the same keywords that the spammers used while vandalizing wikis and blogs. This gets us a good page rank for the spammy keywords and this gives us the chance to inform others about wiki spam, wiki spammers, spamvertized web sites, etc. Yes, we are sure the spammers don't like this. If you want to help us that way, please also read our guidelines for linking to us. – [More about how this page works]

  • To conveniently convert spam into chongqing markup, feel free to use our Chongq My Links! tool.
  • Remember to [submit] the spammer to chongqed.org
  • To discuss this page, see /Discuss.
  • We keep /Statistics of auto-banned spammers.

Chongqing links


This wiki was vandalized by a spammer who used the keywords [Transcription Services] to link to his website media-transcription dot thuriam dot com. You can read more about that at http://chongqed.org.

...and the rest

Thuriam was just a start – while their spamming of our wiki was big news at the time, other spammers followed their lead and spammed ahead. This didn't only affect Unreal Wiki; many wikis started to become victim of spammers at that time (and still do), just as if somebody had started a trend...

Categorizing spammers would be tiresome and pointless (just as manually converting their links to chongqing markup, which is what the Chongq My Links! tool was made for), so here's just the long list of spam keywords spammers left on this wiki over time (work in progress):

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