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ASOBJ EnergyCore Spawn


The ASOBJ_EnergyCore_Spawn actor is used in the Assault gametype. A subclass of GameObjective, this spawns the Power Core that makes up the first objective in the stock map AS-Junkyard. It accompanies the ASOBJ EnergyCore Delivery actor, which is the place the Power Core is delivered to: generally, a vehicle. A Power Core spawns when the map starts, and can be picked up by attacking players like a weapon. While the defense cannot move the power core, if it is dropped (if its carrier is killed) and 30 seconds (?) have passed, the power core will be reset to its original location.


The ASOBJ_EnergyCore_Spawn actor should have a DefensePriority (See GameObjective) of one higher than its corresponding ASOBJ_EnergyCore_Delivery. This is because Power Cores can be picked up at any time during the game, but will not respawn once delivered. Therefore, if a Power Core is picked up before its appropriate objective and delivered to an ASOBJ_EnergyCore_Delivery once it's activated, the player will be left with an uncompleteable objective: there is no Power Core, but he is required to retrieve one.

Another unfortunate characteristic of ASOBJ_EnergyCore_Spawn actors is that they cause the directional arrow at the top of the Assault HUD to point only at them until the core is picked up. This means that Power Core delivery objectives should only be used as the first objective in an Assault map.

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