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UT2004 :: Actor >> Pawn >> Vehicle >> ASVehicle >> ASTurret

Abstract class of all the various turrets seen in the Assault gametype.

With the exception of ASTurret_Minigun? and ASTurret_IonCannon?, ASTurrets are automated turrets used to defend objectives in Assault maps. Unlike the ONSManualGun turrets that defend powernodes in Onslaught? maps, and players need not control them directly. Some turrets, such as the ASTurret_LinkTurret? allow players to operate them remotely, using control panels (Trigger_ASTurretControlPanel?) . Others are completely automated, like the Sentinel.



information regarding the AS_Turret_Base? on which the turret sits.

class<ASTurret_Base?> TurretBaseClass
Reference to the turret's base's class.
AS_Turret_Base? TurretBase
pointer to this turret's base.
Rotator OriginalRotation
The direction this turret points when it spawns.


class<ASTurret_Base?> TurretSwivelClass
ASTurret_Base? TurretSwivel


float YawAccel
Acceleration factor for when the turret turns from side to side
float PitchAccel
Acceleration factor for when the turret turns up and down
const float RotationInertia
Momentum of rotation.
const Range RotPitchConstraint
Min=0d,-90d Max=0d,+90d 16384=0d 0=90d
const float RotationSpeed
How fast the turret rotates.
vector CamAbsLocation


Rotator LastCamRot
float LastTimeSeconds
float CamRotationInertia


bool bZooming
float DesiredPlayerFOV
float MinPlayerFOV
float OldFOV
float ZoomSpeed
float ZoomWeaponOffsetAdjust
Material ZoomTick
Material ZoomTickTex


Texture WeaponInfoTexture
name ObjectiveTag[6]
Tags for the objectives this turret is defending. Bots will choose the most closest.
array<SVehicleTrigger> EntryTriggers
Triggers used to enter the turret when the player presses the 'use' key.




Known Subclasses


    +- ASTurret_BallTurret?
    +- ASTurret_IonCannon?
    +- ASTurret_LinkTurret?
    +- ASTurret_Minigun?
    +- ASVehicle Sentinel
       +- ASVehicle_Sentinel_Ceiling?
       +- ASVehicle_Sentinel_Floor?

Related Topics:

  • Vehicles – Super topic for all vehicles.
  • ASTurret_Base?


Bob_The_Beheader: Hey, it's about time :)... I don't know very much about this, but I've done what I can.

Oh, and what is ASTurret_BallTurret? and is it remote control only? could be mentioned in the first paragraph.

MythOpus: Its one of the remote/auto turrets that are used in AS-Mothership.

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