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Actor >> Triggers >> Authorizer

This tutorial base on key mover tutorial from Chimeric site.

When I use key Mover for the first time I thought that some things are impossible with this class. First of all it would be better to instead a mover place a Trigger. That's why I've made this class. Authorizer can be opened when player have specified key. We are able to destroy this key or turn to normal trigger after destroying key. Here is icon: .

// Authorizer: This Trigger can replace
// KeyMover (as base I use KeyMover avidible
// form http://chimeric.beyondunreal.com/tutorials/tut11.html).
// by Raven
// http://turniej.unreal.pl
// http://tcn.unreal.pl
// for The Chosen One SP mod
class Authorizer extends Triggers;

#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=Authorizer FILE="textures\Icons\auth.bmp" GROUP=Icons LODSET=2

var() class keyclass;
var() bool DestroyKey;  
var() bool NormalAfterDestroying; 
var() bool ShowSuccessMessage; 
var() bool ShowFailtureMessage; 
var() localized String SuccessMessage; 
var() localized String FailtureMessage; 
var bool norm;
var bool opened; 

function Touch( actor Other )
    local Inventory key;
    local actor A;

    // BroadcastMessage("Bumped by "$Other.Name);

    // First check to make sure this is a Pawn, cause they are
    // only things that have inventories (i think:), and then
    // make sure we have a keyclass to check for.
    if (Other.IsA('Pawn') && keyclass != NONE)
       // BroadcastMessage("Other.Class: "$Other.Class$", keyclass: "$keyclass);

       // Now we just use FindInventoryType() to see if they have
       // a copy of our desired key in their inventory...
       key = Pawn(Other).FindInventoryType(keyclass);

       // ...if so call the old foreach function and let the trigger
       // do its thing.
       if (key != NONE)
         // Broadcastmessage("Found key");
         if( Event != '' ) // trigger all matching actors.
          foreach AllActors( class 'Actor', A, Event )
            A.Trigger( Other, Other.Instigator );

         if(DestroyKey)    // if true will delete key from inventory!
         if(NormalAfterDestroying) //trigger will act like normal trigger if true
         opened=true; //door was opened
       if(norm) //is normal trigger
         if( Event != '' ) // trigger all matching actors.
          foreach AllActors( class 'Actor', A, Event )
           A.Trigger( Other, Other.Instigator );
           BroadcastMessage(FailtureMessage); // show Failure message when we don't have a key

       // ...otherwise just do nothing.
       // else BroadcastMessage("Couldn't find key");

     SuccessMessage="Access granded."
     FailtureMessage="You need a key to open this door."

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Category Custom Class
Category Tutorial

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