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I'm a assault mapper/coder (who is slowly learning how to mesh/texture) for UT2004 and starting to plan a range of mods and maps for UT2007.

Currently working on:

Learning UnrealEd 4 and Kismet

Learning the general functions of the new editor through roboblitz (particularly matinees)

Onslaught Map (UT2007)

Still of course in basic brainstorming in regards of gameplay but general layout and theme are pretty much set.

I'm currently working on style and design of Buildings and Static Meshes.

Pillargun Building Mod (UT2007)

Still in beta testing but can be played at:



[1] <<- Where most of my stuff is (going to be) displayed

Tutorials on the wiki

Modifying Vehicle Weapons

Assault Mapping Tutorial/Adding Vehicles And Turrets


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