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Bob The Beheader


(This page is a work in progress)

About Me:

I'm 19 years old, and a sohomore at the University of Puget Sound, in Tacoma. I got into Unreal Tournament during the summer of '05. Anyways, Im an undeclared Computer Science major. Funny, because UPS is a liberal arts school. I thought that it would be a good idea to go into the CSCI field with some background in other stuff, too.

I have always wondered how programmers created the beautiful 3D world we see in video games. I got started programming with QBasic for DOS when I was about 12 (Because Object Oriented programming was way to advanced a concept for my 12 year old brain to grasp). Unfortunatly, this made it very difficult for me to pick up Object Oriented programmming later on, because I was trying to think about Objects and classes in terms of Procedural subroutines. Of course, it didn't help that I also started learning assembly language (see below). Anyways, I think that conceptually, modern video games, like UT, cannot be understood through procedural concepts. I nearly had a heart attack when I first looked at some UnrealScript, and tried to understand it with procedural concepts. :)

Now that I'm in college, and taking computer science classes (which I've got to be at in about 1/2 an hour) I finally understand Object Oriented programming. Yes! I am now housebroken of all the old school procedural Basic crap that I've been mired in for years!

However, every time I start editing some UScript, I slowly become more frustrated with Java. Why can't Java do some of the stuff that UScript can do???

Mapping/Modding for UT:

Also, and probably the most interesting of all of these, I've got a concept for a CTF map. see Map Ideas/CTF-Sentinel


SuperApe: Hi, Bob. I've disabled the Category Category tag, as that should only be used to tag Category Pages. This is a Category Personal Page; nothing more. :)

Solid Snake: Nothing wrong with using ASM, but even so it's pretty hard to get into without some formal training.

Bob_The_Beheader: I'm going to be taking an ASM class this sememster

See Also:

my rant, To Many Projects Rant

my map idea, Map Ideas/CTF-Sentinel

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