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Brush Context Menu

To access the Brush Context Menu, right click on a brush (such as the Red Builder Brush). The following options will be available...

<class> properties
opens the floating actor properties window for this actor or group of actors.
commands to show mover polys in the BSP and change the keyframe. See mover.
reset rotation, pivot, scaling or all. Use the reset rotation command as frequently as possible to avoid gimbal lock errors
Apply Brush Transformation. See Transform Permanently.
brings selection to front or back of the Brush Order.
opens polygons submenu

To Brush: use on a world brush to make the red builder brush take on its shape.

From Brush: use on a world brush to make it take the current shape of the red builder brush.

Merge: merges coplanar faces of a brush. See Merge Polygons.

Seperate: seperates faces that have been previously merged. See Merge Polygons.

changes Solidity.
Select all <class>
selects all of the same of the selected actor.
select all
selects everything in the world, such as brushes, actors, lights, etc...
  • Note: If used on an actor/brush that is part of a group, it will select all in the particular group.
select none
deselects everything that is currently selected.
select brushes
allows selection of ALL brushes that are Additive, Subtractive, Semi-Solid, or Non-Solid.
creates a copy of a selected actor/brush. The characteristics and values of the selected actor/brush are carried over to the duplicate. See Brush Duplication.
deletes selected actors.
edit script
opens the script of the selected object's class in the script editor window.
make current
when used on an actor, it makes it the currently selected actor in the add <class> here option in the right click menu.

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  • Something here


(needs tidying)

IS this now identical to Actor Context Menu in UEd3?

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