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I thought I'd get around to writing a bit about myself on this here Wiki, which I tend to look at frequently but almost never commit to, so, err, hi everybody! Just a note - there was an infiltration developer who used to call themselves Catalyst. I don't know if they're still around, but it's a fairly common online name so just to clarify... I never worked on infiltration, and I spend most of my time playing deathball (hey, it's fun). Oh, and I tend to idle in #unrealscript on EnterTheGame as well.

Past Unreal/UT Projects

I started off coding about 4 or 5 years ago when I bought UT, opened UEd, followed a couple of tutorials and realised I lacked any of the sort of patience required to map properly, but programming sounded fun. So I went off and learned C++ over the summer, then took up UScript pretty much all of my spare time (I was 14/15). I've worked on several projects - including the doomed Matrix:UT mod with a guy named Turgon, who was the one who got me really interested in working with other people really. From there we went on to design a mod called Eden's Wrath which never reached fruition, and I've been working on/designing mods since then, although nothing that's been worth anything just yet (well.. except maybe for the work I did on Deathball, but that was mostly bugfixing). I've done a few small mutators and I've done up some prototype projects, one of which I'm working on turning into a proper full-fledged mod as soon as the current end-of-semester exams are over (Squadz, if you ever see it. I should have a design doc up soon).

Other Things

I'm a first year undergrad computer engineering student at the University of Southampton, England. I like football and I play ultimate frisbee. Also, my favourite colour is... ooh... say, yellow. And I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts ;).

Just in case you cared

In case you've wondered if I'm someone or not, I've taken several different names for different reasons over the past few years - Catalyst88 and Lessa are the ones I can currently remember. I prefer to be known just as Catalyst right now though (I think the name suits me for one).


  1. Have fun in life
  2. Finish a mod project
  3. Attempt to contribute more to this wiki :)
  4. Win the [North American Deathball League] with RusH

Guest Book

EntropicLqd: Hi, welcome to the Unreal Wiki. I hope you enjoy your stay here :)

Tarquin: Greetings! :)

Birelli: Greetings from a fellow ex-TEZC Deathball player :)

Catalyst: old TEZC ruled ;)

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