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Category Journal

This is the category of Developer Journals created and maintained by Unreal Wiki contributors.

If you'd like to share some of your more personal experiences with Unreal-engine mapping or modding, feel free to create a journal. It's customary to keep it in a datestamped format.

Please don't put things of general interest exclusively in your journal. A developer journal is not meant to be a dump for valuable content that should rather be added elsewhere on the Wiki. If you find something out in your development work which might be of general interest, please add it to wherever it belongs to on the Wiki – not just your personal journal.

See also /Discussion

Creating a Journal

To set up your developer journal:

  1. Create a subpage of your personal page. It's custom to name that subpage "Developer Journal" as in Mychaeel/Developer Journal.
  2. Add the following code to the bottom of your new journal page to make it show up in the listing at the bottom of this page:

      [[Category Journal]]

Existing Journals

All existing developer journals are listed below.

This page itself belongs to Category Category: Go there to find other categories.

Members of this category: 82 pages found

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