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Dezro/99 Bottles

Sing 99 Bottles of Beer

And this is the last place I'm putting this thing. I swear.

Inspired by http://99-bottles-of-beer.ls-la.net/

// 99 Bottles of Beer, in UnrealScript. Sings to every player
// simultaneously. Written for UT2003, but would work on other Unreal
// Engine games with little to no modification.
// Probably works on a network. I haven't checked.

// Written by "Dezro" Dave Smith: dezro@mac.com

class MutBottlesBeer extends Mutator;

var int StartingBottles;
var int CurrentBottle;
var int SongLine;
var bool Begun;
var bool StopSong;

function ModifyPlayer(Pawn Other)
    if (!Begun)
        CurrentBottle = StartingBottles;
        SetTimer(1.5, true);
        Begun = true;

function Timer()
    local Controller C;
    local bool PassAround;

    if (StopSong)
        SetTimer(0.001, false);

    for (C = Level.ControllerList; C != None; C = C.NextController)
        Switch (SongLine)
        Case 0:
            if (CurrentBottle == 1)
                C.Pawn.ClientMessage("One bottle of beer on the wall,");
                C.Pawn.ClientMessage(CurrentBottle $ " bottles of beer on the wall,");
        Case 1:
            if (CurrentBottle == 1)
                C.Pawn.ClientMessage("One bottle of beer.");
                C.Pawn.ClientMessage(CurrentBottle $ " bottles of beer.");
        Case 2:
            if (CurrentBottle == 1)
                C.Pawn.ClientMessage("Take it down, pass it around,");
                C.Pawn.ClientMessage("Take one down, pass it around,");
            PassAround = true;
            if (CurrentBottle == 1)
                C.Pawn.ClientMessage("One bottle of beer on the wall.");
            else if (CurrentBottle < 1)
                C.Pawn.ClientMessage("No more bottles of beer on the wall!");
                StopSong = true;
                C.Pawn.ClientMessage(CurrentBottle $ " bottles of beer on the wall.");
    if (PassAround)
        PassAround = false;
    if (SongLine > 3)
        SongLine = 0;

defaultproperties {
    FriendlyName="99 Bottles"
    Description="Sings to you during the battle."
    StartingBottles = 99


Wormbo: Nice. Actually you could optimize and localize it with LocalMessages, since the song also exists in other languages. :)

Tarquin: Submit it to http://99-bottles-of-beer.ls-la.net/ ! Can you have arrays of strings? Might be neater than using the "switch" statement.

Dezro: I've already submitted it. I didn't use LocalMessages, since I wanted to keep it down to one file. I didn't use string arrays, because I didn't think of it. I should have... I could have added some customization if I went that route, too, which would make up for the lack of localization a bit. Ah, well.

Ike Bart: I tried to compile it in UnrealEd 2 and I got an error on line 29. It said: Error in MutBottlesBeer, Line 29: Unrecognized type 'Controller.' Since I'm an absolute newbie at Unreal script for Unreal Tournament, I'd like to know what to do to make it compatible with Unreal Tournament.

Dezro: That's the "little modification" I was talking about. UT1 doesn't use the pawn/controller setup, so you'd have to change some things. Make the following changes to the code:

Wherever you find this Replace it with this
local Controller C; local Pawn P;
for (C = Level.ControllerList; C != None; C = C.NextController) for (P = Level.PawnList; P != None; P = P.NextPawn)
C.Pawn.ClientMessage P.ClientMessage

Ike Bart: After making those changes, I get an error message at line 84. It said: Error in MutBottlesBeer, Line 84: Unexpected 'defaultproperties'

Dezro: That's a different problem. You're not supposed to use UnrealEd when coding. If you stll want to, remove the "var int StartingBottles;" line, replace every other instance of "StartingBottles" with 99, and delete the "defaultproperties" block. It'll compile after that, probably.

Ike Bart: Thanks for the suggestion, Dezro. I got UnrealEd to compile the script after following your suggestions. Now I have to test it out in Unreal Tournament. I hope I made the .ini file for it correctly.

Ike Bart: I tested it out in Unreal Tournament and it works. It took around nine minutes to finish off all 99 bottles of beer.

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