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These are mostly links to forum discussions. But hey, some neat things are goin' on out there...

Unreal Ed / Tools

[Findable property for KActors in Ued]


[Terragen and Skybox tuts]

[additional Operators and Utilities]

Weapons and Inventory

[Thoughts on stationary turrets]

[Priming Grenades]

[Reloading Weapons]

[More Reloading]

[Multi-Ammo Weapons]

[Getting explosives to stick to walls]

[Thoughts on a weapon selector switch]

[Useable Items]


[Vehicle stuff (2003 vs 2004)]

[SVehicle examples (UDN)]

[Unlocking Vehicles in other game-types]

Movers and Volumes

[Mover Topics]

[Multi-floor elevator]

[Multi-floor elev with buttons for each floor]

[Mover Tutorial (UDN)]

[More multi-floor elevator]

[Movers – Discussion about diff move-times for diff keyframes]

[Moving Volumes]

[Lava that fills a pool and causes damage]

[Killing volume without gibbing]

[Volumes that trigger - IonTrigger]

[Ted's watervolume and spacevolume chat with EDrW]

[More Talk about Issues of Volumes in Volumes]

Lighting and Texturing:


[Some thoughts on Dynamic Lights and Projectors]

[Skinning tut]

[Thought on screenshots in Unreal]

[Brief idea for a triggerable light]

[Tutorial on Coronas]

[Thoughts on Shadows]

[More thought on Shadows]

[Sourced Player Shadows]

[Making a Camera to project textures]

[Flashlight code 2003]

[Making an Ambient Player-Light]

Camera and Player-View:

[Making a Camera to project textures]

[Spectator Camera]

[ViewShaker settings and other Trigger things]

[More ViewShaker]

General Coding

[Finding Hit Location]

[Thoughts on Forward PlayerStarts]

[Thoughts on locking things]

[Input Key Map]

[UT2Kx and the MS IME]

HUDs, GUI, and Messaging

[Mutator Config GUI]

[Thoughts on civilians and ambient creatures]

[Mutator to replace HUD]

[Thoughts on messaging]

[A Radar system]

[Messages in UT2003]


[Thoughts on Free-Fall Physics]

[Some thoughts on a Stats system]

[Adjusting Bones etc]

[A Radar system]

[Karma animations for damage]

[Onslaught tut]

Music and Sound

[Music Triggers vs Action_PlaySound]


[Naming your map]

[Links to Intro to Unreal tuts]

[Mr.Slackpants' expedited grading for Ued 101]

[xProcMesh and making SMeshes ripple]

[Discussion of MS FlightSim 2004's Cloud rendering technique]

[Settings for a nice flame emitter in UT2004]

Back to my HomePage → Dr.AwkwArD

Tarquin: Could you consider moving some of these links to suitable topic or class pages, so other people can easily find them? We're all about sharing here on the UW :D Something like the

[Findable property for KActors in Ued] forum post could just be summarized and addedd to the relevant page as information rather than a link.

Dr.AwkwArD: Sounds reasonable enough. It'll just be a matter of getting a little time to do it. There's a lot of info here. Baby steps... ;)

Tarquin: of course :) You could add a Category To Do tag here and ask other wikizens to help :)

Dr.AwkwArD: Ooooo, delegation. I like it! :D

SuperApe: Nice page, DocAwk. :D (xProcMesh tutorial link currently broken.)

MythOpus: I think it's just the actual forum page that's down. Wait awhile for it.

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