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What am I up to? Let's find out...

Dec 15, 2004

Well, it took longer than I had planned (work's been kinda hectic lately), but I finally got Assault Mapping Tutorial/Continuing the Assault and Assault Mapping Tutorial/Other Objectives up, with accompanying map files and everything. I still need to clean up a few links to Wiki pages which don't exist yet but should.. I actually want to add a bit to the objectives page about delivery-type objectives (Junkyard energy core based stuff) and LockedObjectives, but since those both require a bit of scripting I didn't have time to really put together a good explanation. Hopefully I'll be able to do that soon.

Not sure how much time I'll have for this sort of stuff in the near future what with Xmas coming and all, but we'll see.. I'd really like to get the tutorial done before I have a whole bunch of new toys to play with under the tree..

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