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Orphan Page Hunting

What's an orphan page?

It's a page that no other page on the wiki links to. Meaning there's no way to access the page (except via the [Wiki Index]).

So the aim of this expedition is to go out and find these lost souls and create links to them on the appropriate page(s), or add them here if an appropriate place can't be found so they can be dealt with.

The small exception is personal pages, as long as they contain a link to Category Personal Page they don't need to be linked to by any other pages.

Fyfe: Back links seem a bit flakie when it comes to sub pages.

Current Progress

Completed: 2COOL4-U to BSP Tree

Orphaned Pages


SuperApe: Hi, Fyfe. Welcome to the wiki. Thanks for your recent cleanup work. That's great! :D

Fyfe: Glad I could help :D Now am I brave enough to start working on Replication?

SuperApe: I know Wormbo has been tinkering with the Replication pages, if you get stuck or have a question or want his opinion, I'd ask him. :)

Fyfe: I'll needed all the help I can get :D I undertand the concept but I'm still a bit fuzzy on how it's implemented.

SuperApe: Hmmm. Then apart from general organization, I'd probably leave that to Wormbo or another Wiki user as experienced.

Category Personal Page



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