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Messing around in unreal.

Eye Candy:

Heat Distortion Effects [in progress]

I've been trying to create a nice distortion effect for flames / plasma for some tme now using scripted textures and plane meshes. I need to work out some scaling / FOV problems.

"Wet" BumpMapping [in progress]

Pushing IceTextures to their extreme. Using custom static meshes and complex shaders + custom pawn code to create a dynamic effect that resembles a "wet" or icy surface.

Better Invisibility [in progress]

Using the same priciples of my distortion effect, but applied to a player's skin to recreate a "predator" type invisibility effect.

Fun With Bio Rifles:

Caustic BioRifle [complete]

Launches a flaming glob.
Charges up a flaming glob.
Globs do not merge.

Bouncy BioRifle [in progress]

Launches a bouncing glob.
Charges up a "hunting" glob. Hunting globs bounce to the closest player.
Having real problems with the hunting globs.

Mutators Coding:

Devil May Cry Items [Complete w/ minor revisions outstanding]

Replaces the ordinary pickups with ones inspired by the playstation 2 game by Capcom, Devil May Cry.

function GetBestPawn()
    local Pawn P;
    local float Dist;

    for (P = level.pawnlist; P != None && (Target == none || VSize(P.Location - Location) < Dist); P=P.nextpawn)
        Dist = VSize(P.Location - Location);
        P = Target;

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