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UT2003 :: GUI >> GUIComponent >> GUIListBase? >> GUIVertList? >> GUIList? >> GUIScrollText (Package: XInterface)

This class is really only used as part of a GUIScrollTextBox.


Public Properties

bool bClickText
Upon clicking on this text box, fill in ClickedString field.
bool bNoTeletype
Dont do the teletyping effect at all.
bool bRepeat
Should the sequence be repeated ?
float CharDelay
This is the delay between each character. Regardless of this property characters are never displayed faster than 1 char per frame.
string ClickedString
Filled in (if bClickText is true) when user clicks on a word.
float EOLDelay
This is the delay to use when reaching end of a line.
float InitialDelay
Initial delay after new content was set.
int MaxHistory
Maximum number of rows. Only used in conjunction with NewText. 0 indicates no limit.
string NewText
New text to add at the end of the current text.
float RepeatDelay
This is used after all the text has been displayed and bRepeat is true.
string Separator
Line separator to use.

Protected Properties

bool bNewContent
This is set when new text content has been set for the control.; bool bStopped : Tells when the sequence has stopped animating (can be rushed by clicking ?)
string Content
This is the content to display in 1 single string.
int oldWidth
Last width of the display area.
eScrollState ScrollState
What was the last action we did.
int VisibleChars
How many chars in the last displayed line are visible.
int VisibleLines
This is the number of visible lines.





OnEndOfLine ( )


Inherited From GUIComponent

Timer ( )
EOLDelay is the end of line delay, it will wait that long until display text on the next line.

New Methods

EndScrolling ( )
string GetWordUnderCursor ( )
InitComponent (GUIController MyController, GUIComponent MyOwner)
bool InternalOnClick (GUIComponent Sender)
bool InternalOnKeyEvent (out byte Key, out byte State, float delta)
bool InternalOnKeyType (out byte Key, optional string Unicode)
Restart ( )
SetContent (string NewContent, optional string sep)
bool SkipChar ( )
Stop ( )

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