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UT2003 :: Object >> GUI >> GUIStyles (Package: XInterface)

The GUIStyle is an object that is used to describe common visible components of the interface.


string KeyName
This is the name of the style used for lookup.
EMenuRenderStyle RStyles[5]
The render styles for each state.
Material Images[5]
This array holds 1 material for each state ( Blurry, Watched, Focused, Pressed, Disabled ).
eImgStyle ImgStyle[5]
How should each image for each state be drawed.
Color FontColors[5]
This array holds 1 font color for each state.
Color ImgColors[5]
This array holds 1 image color for each state.
GUIFont Fonts[5]
Holds the fonts for each state.
int BorderOffsets[4]
How thick is the border.
string FontNames[5]
Holds the names of the 5 fonts to use.
bool bRegistered
Used as Default only. Tells if Controller has this style registered.



Draw( Canvas Canvas, eMenuState MenuState, float left, float top, float width, float height )
DrawText( Canvas Canvas, eMenuState MenuState, float left, float top, float width, float height, eTextAlign Align, string Text )




bool OnDraw( Canvas Canvas, eMenuState MenuState, float left, float top, float width, float height )
Can be used to draw. Return true to skip the default draw method.
bool OnDrawText( Canvas Canvas, eMenuState MenuState, float left, float top, float width, float height, eTextAlign Align, string Text )
Can be used to draw. Return true to skip the default draw method.

Known Subclasses

  • STY_IRCEntry?
  • STY_IRCText?
  • STY_LadderButton?
  • STY_NoBackground?
  • STY_Page?
  • STY_RosterButton?
  • STY_RoundButton?
  • STY_ScrollZone?
  • STY_ServerBrowserGrid?
  • STY_ServerBrowserGridHeader?
  • STY_SliderCaption?
  • STY_SquareButton?
  • STY_TabButton?
  • STY_TextButton?
  • STY_TextLabel?

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