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Though not my first release, this is actually my first map. I started it several months ago, but towards the end, I ran into a block and wasn't sure how to finish it. Thus it sat collecting dust until I finally decided to add the last few details and release it. Susurrous Outpost is a very large CTF map, good for 16 players, give or take a few. Its overall layout is somewhat similar to that of CTF-Noxion16, but considerably larger. It may take some time to learn the layout. You're definitely going to want your translocator handy.

There are some BSP issues I couldn't resolve, partly due to my inexperience when I constructed the vast majority of the geometry, and partly due to the simple fact that it's a very complex map – more than 4,000 brushes. Also, the poly count gets into the 400-500 range in a couple of places, so old hardware will likely complain a bit. All in all, I think it's decent for what it is – a first effort.

Special thanks to Hourences for offering a lot of useful feedback on an early version of this map.

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