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Message Of The Day

I am looking for experienced Unreal Engine programmers to extend my Orlando/Florida based team of software engineers. Strong knowledge in Unreal Script is a must, experience in C++ and Unreal native coding is a plus. I may be looking for one or two paid interns as well, so if you're interested, please drop me a line, including your resume and/or samples of your previous Unreal Engine related programming work!

At this time, only US-citizens are considered.

About Me

General Info

Related Interests

  • UnrealScript & Native Coding
  • Level Editing & Texture Creation

Past Projects

Current Occupation

  • Technical Lead, Anteon Corp, Programming Unreal Engine based military training simulators

Note To Self

  • PostRender() is called once when the level is rendered to precache everything. This happens before script objects are initialized and may lead to unexpected behaviour if code inside PostRender() depends on Default Properties or other objects.
  • Pawn animations won't show up if Acceleration is zero - just setting a Velocity is not sufficient.
  • PerObjectConfig for native classes won't save the class name, only the object name.
  • Strings inside structured config vars (see Config Vars And .Ini Files) should be quoted, otherwise the INI file parser may interprete the rest of the line as the string value.
  • Unlike variables, functions cannot be multicasted from the server to all clients - they are replicated to the owner client only.
  • Replicating functions with more than 3 parameters is very slow; use a struct instead.
  • The y-axis indicator for the top-view in UED points into the wrong direction - up is negative y.
  • Don't forget to add the ServerPackages in the INI or else the actors won't be replicated to clients.
  • Don't forget to add replication block even for nativereplication or else there won't be actor channels for replicated properties.


Wormbo: Hi and welcome to the Wiki! :D

Jan: Hi j3rky, nice to see here. ;)

j3rky: Hey guys... after using the Wiki for many months, i thought it might be the time to share some knowledge as well ;)

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