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tgusagalpa:Hi, and welcome to the wiki!

Wormbo: Hi there! :)

Tarquin: Hey :)

Jrubzjeknf: I got a personal page? :shocked: Woohoo!! :D And thanks for the warm welcome!

Graphik: I'm sure you weren't planning on doing this on a regular basis, but please do not sprinkle obnoxious uppercase messages unceremoniously across people's personal pages. I suspect kindness is the only reason nothing was said. If there is some unusual circumstance under which you must do something unsightly to a page, please clean it up after the purpose in connection with it has been fulfilled.

Welcome to the Wiki.

Tarquin: Graphik, if you mean the massive MYCHAEEEEL page, then Jrub checked with me first & I said it was ok :)

Graphik: Yes, that's fine. I was speaking about Mychaeel, thus "personal pages" in my above edit.

Jrubzjeknf: Unfortunately Mych hasn't reacted any more after his first reply [here]. :/

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