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Killing Floor

Killing Floor is a Total Conversion of the Unreal Tournament 2004 game. Playing as a squad of marines, you must use firepower and teamwork to drive back massive hordes of bloodthirsty zombies.


Killing Floor features some of the most detailed and atmospheric environments you will see in a horror themed mod, and the objective is to make something that is not only visually pleasing, but also rewarding and fun from a gameplay standpoint.

This mod is unique in that it features full support for environmental physics. In a nutshell? If you bump into a garbage can, it's going to fall over. Shoot a computer monitor, and it will topple off the table it was resting on. This adds a whole new level in gameplay and can often facilitate some strategic employment of the physics system, like putting a table up against a doorway, etc.

Current State

The game is currently under heavy construction. Since the first and only full bundle release a long list of bugs started flooding in, and after deep conciderations it was decided that there was not going to be a patch, but basically a whole new game.

In realistic Enviorments from the infested streets of West London to a manor located in a swamp, you and your squad must hold out against ever increasing waves of undead.

How long do you think you can survive?

External Links

[Killing Floor Official Website]


EntropicLqd: Is this shameless self-pimpage or do you have plans for some more elaboration at some point? Currently this page serves no purpose.

Wormbo: It probably is. I'd say Delete Me and also delete that entry on External Links, unless there's anything useful about creating mods or maps there.

P: I'd rather if you don't.

DarkMan: This page smells bad of self-promotion. You can find the description by googling, and unless this would at least help a BIT to mappers and coders, there is no point of having this page here. I'd say Delete Me also.

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