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Hello... My name is Kirk.

I love to play Unreal, and its many mods. I started to fork around in the innards of Unreal after a while, because modding is fun (been modding Total Annihilation for quite a while now, and Uru now too). I've only really made the most basic of mutators, the famous Vampire for example, and a server actor hack for U2XMP. I have not much experience with UT2004 yet, but the Wiki is proving to be an enormous help. With it I'm making a little mod dealing with quite a few things, to see how things go.

I do have a few years of Java experience, general programming experience and more uninteresting stuff like that.

So, uh, hi :)



Contact Information

Email: kirk@kirkwarez.com

Site: http://www.kirkwarez.com (not a warez site, don't worry :P)

MSN: bjwouda@hotmail.com

ICQ: 71235033

AIM: YunaRaider


MythOpus: Welcome to The Wiki :D

Kirk: Thanks :D

Tarquin: Hi. What's the screenshot of the apple model for?

Kirk: It's a little project I'm working on. Mostly it's learning to mod.

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