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Well not much to say about me...

Coding is my hobby. UnrealScript is probably my best script, i also do some C++ and VB, but I dont take coding too seriously.

I haven't released a lot of things, although i made a pretty big variety of personal projects just for myself because i enjoy coding.

The only things that I did release are BCC and BCC2k3, both are the same mutator for the two different games (UT and UT2003), if you are interested you can find the review of BCC [here] and of BCC2k3 [here].

I also coded a lot for the UTron project (which i wonder if it ever will get released) i dont mind that much though, as long as i had fun doing it, and the team was full of the nicest people i ever met in the modding community. visit [UTron.org] if you are interested in this mod, the site might be down though, we aren't the best organizers out there, especially when it comes to websites.


(WARNING, very empty :D)

ZxAnPhOrIaN: Hey and welcome to the wiki! :) :tup: (please add yourself to the project contributers page!)

LedZep: Thanks and will do ;)

RegularX: *waves*

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