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Mapping Lessons/Functional Map

This page will teach you how to create an ugly but functional room.

Making a Cube

File –> New
If you've been fooling around in UnrealEd you'll want to work with a fresh map.
Toolbox –> Cube icon
On the left side of the screen there's a toolbar with a bunch of icons.

You'll see a box titled "CubeBuilder":


The CubeBuilder properties

Enter your size
You can enter in just about anything, but for this tutorial we want a 256x256x256 cube.
Subtract your space
Just press CTRL+S on your keyboard.


Now you have a little hollow cube. A "room" for our purposes. But it doesn't look anything like even a basic cube you'd see in Unreal. To fix that, we need some light:

Add a light actor
Right-click within the dimensions of your cube in any veiw (A 2D view is recommended), then click "Add light here" in the menu that pops up.
Build the level
Press F8 on your keyboard, and click "Build" in the Build menu that comes up.


Now you have light. Your room now looks like it will in-game, but the game won't know where to put you if you try and play it now. Lastly, we need a PlayerStart:

Add a PlayerStart
Right-click within the dimensions of your cube in any veiw, then click "Add PlayerStart here" in the menu that pops up.
Build the level again
Press F8 on your keyboard, and click "Build" in the Build menu that comes up.

Now you have a finished level. Save it (File → Save) with a DM- prefix just like any other Deathmatch level, then play (Build → Play Level).

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