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Mapping Tips

This is a page meant to give "tippers" a place to insert a link to a Mapping Tip page.

Please consider:

  • Search for your tip information on the wiki before you add it. (avoid duplication)
  • Make sure the tip is applicable to a wide variety of situations, engine versions, etc.
  • Make the information generalized but useful. (avoid ranting opinions in favor of informative guidelines)
  • Back up the information with relevant linkage.
  • Consider simply adding the link to the Mapping Tips section of Topics on Mapping.

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ZxAnPhOrIaN: Should this page be deleted?

CH3Z: from the comments, it sounds to me like this page is a list that should be added to UnrealWiki To Do or each page is this list should be tagged in some way... more than it should be a form of forward index.

Tarquin: THis page sort of sprang up and became HUGE. I gradually moved things off to other pages listed above. People seem to want pages of "tips" for some reason. If we remove this page it'll just come back ... *sigh*

Mychaeel: People seem to like forward indices. The only arguments against them have been so far that they're hard to maintain (which is not a visitors' concern and thus shouldn't be ours either) and that, if not structured well, they might lead to "information overload" (which is nothing specific to forward indices).

Backward indices, on the other hand, have the sole benefit of being easily maintainable, but present the user with a plain flat list of more or less descriptive page titles. To me, actually, that sounds more like "information overload" than a structured, descriptive list of selected pages on a topic.

discussion moved to Big Cleanup and some to Application.

ZxAnPhOrIaN: Should this page be merged to Map Design??

Ch3z: Some of the pages linked above already belong to more than one category. But most programing sites have a "Tips and Tricks" section. Maybe its worthy of a category? I think it it were a category more tips pages would pop up to populate the category, but I'm not clairvoyant(So if you build it, they MIGHT come).

Tarquin: The problem is that just about anything can be classed as a "tip or trick".

Bob_The_Beheader: I think a way to define "tip or trick" that sort of limits it to useful porportions is that a tip or trick is a technique that works well and is not very well known...I'm having trouble explaining myself... but you can't say that the page describing what the UnrealEd toolbox buttons do is a tip or trick, for instance. However, methods and techniques for aligning textures could be a tip or trick. Additionally, I don't think the link to a page describing things that cause UnrealEd to crash should be included as a tip or trick (see link to "Crashing UnrealEd" above). This wiki is not exactly giving tip for hackers who want to crash the servers of some major corporation, in wich case, info about crashing things might be more relavant to "tips and tricks." ;)

Graphik: The huge list of junk that was here certainly didn't belong. Leave a note here if you need it, vlx.

Bob_The_Beheader: I never saw this page before it was cleaned up, but I definatly think that it would be good to have a place for tips...

Tarquin: the problem is then how do people know where to look for information?

SuperApe: Working to encorporate with the Topics on Mapping family of pages.

SuperApe: This page is now obsolete. All is covered in Topics on Mapping.

Tarquin: actually, I'd like to keep this. Yes, it serves no purpose, except to link to other pages. BUT.... if we remove it, within a few months someone will create a 'mapping tips' page and fill it with material that should be elsewhere ;) I would remove links to it, and leave it as a stub page.

SuperApe: I don't see a reason to keep a purposeless page just because someone might fill it with misplaced information at a later date. There is a Mapping Tips section on Topics on Mapping for links to tip pages. This should be sufficient. However, I will keep the stub here and redo the guidelines for any new tips. Please reconsider; this page seems pointless and would encourage poor organization, IMHO. I would like to see the Delete Me tag re-enabled.

Tarquin: fair enough

Delete Me – This page is now obsolete. All is covered in Topics on Mapping.

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