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UT2003 :: Actor >> Pickup >> TournamentPickup >> TournamentHealth >> MiniHealthPack (Package: XPickups)

UT2003, Build 2225

// MiniHealthPack
class MiniHealthPack extends TournamentHealth; // our class and it's parent (TournamentHealth)

// This 'todo' comment is actually in the final code! Obviously, the sound effect has been added, though no 
// EXEC line is here to load a Sounds package. Perhaps someone else can comment on this.

// todo: need custom sound effect for this!

    PickupMessage="You picked up a Health Vial +"   // the on-screen message when you pick up the vial.
    Physics=PHYS_Rotating                           // why they would bother rotating a perfect cylinder I'm not sure...
    RotationRate=(Yaw=24000)                        // this is the rate that the vial rotates at
    DrawScale=0.06                                  // the model is much larger than it appears as in the game. This scales it down.
    PickupSound=sound'PickupSounds.HealthPack'      // the sound you hear when you pick it up.
    PickupForce="HealthPack"  // jdf
    DrawType=DT_StaticMesh                          // if you want to use a static mesh for the object, you have to tell the engine.
    StaticMesh=StaticMesh'XPickups_rc.MiniHealthPack' // this is the particular static mesh we want to use.
    CollisionRadius=24.0                            // determines how close to the object you must be to pick it up.
    HealingAmount=5                                 // how much healing it does.

The Health pickup line of classes aren't very big or complicated, they get most of their functionality from the TournamentPickup and Pickup classes.


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