Mod Ideas/Deadman Launcher
Nothing much to explain I suppose, exept that you'd launch Ragdoll'ish dead bodies from guns to inflict damage on you opponent (according to the speed of the flailing limbs flying at you!), I dont know about you, but that sounds like fun.
Camper at Heart: Here's the BodyLauncher 1.0 from ZedLep...(ripped from the package by the only way I know how) I put it here because it's a good idea that I'd like to see work but it doesn't function. I put the error below in the discussion section.
class BodyFire extends FlakAltFire; function projectile SpawnProjectile(Vector Start, Rotator Dir) { local xPawn p; local vector vec;//, hitloc, hitnorm; local rotator dir1; Dir1=Dir; Dir1.Pitch=0; vec=Start+Vector(Dir1)*class'xPawn'.Default.CollisionRadius*BodyWeapon(Weapon).InitScale*1.07; p = Spawn(class'xPawn',,, vec, Dir); if( p == None ) return None; AdjustPawn(p); P.Velocity=Vector(Dir)*BodyWeapon(Weapon).BodyLaunchVel+Weapon.Owner.Velocity; P.PlayDying(class'DamageType', vec); //AdjustPawn(p); return none; } function AdjustPawn(xpawn p) { local DMRosterConfigured tDM; local xRosterEntry Chosen; local int i; i=Int(FRand()*tDM.Characters.Length); tDM = Spawn(class'DMRosterConfigured'); Chosen = xRosterEntry(DeathMatch(Level.Game).EnemyRoster.ChooseBotClass(tDM.Characters[i])); tDM.Destroy(); if(Chosen==None) Return; P.LinkMesh(Mesh(DynamicLoadObject(Chosen.PlrProfile.MeshName, class'Mesh'))); P.Skins[0]=Texture(DynamicLoadObject(Chosen.PlrProfile.BodySkinName, class'Texture')); P.Skins[1]=Texture(DynamicLoadObject(Chosen.PlrProfile.FaceSkinName, class'Texture')); P.SoundGroupClass=None; P.RagDeathUpKick=150; P.RagdollLifeSpan=30; P.RagSpinScale=2.5; P.RagInvInertia=16; P.PhysicsVolume.TerminalVelocity=BodyWeapon(Weapon).BodyLaunchVel; P.AirSpeed=BodyWeapon(Weapon).BodyLaunchVel; P.WaterSpeed=BodyWeapon(Weapon).BodyLaunchVel; P.GroundSpeed=BodyWeapon(Weapon).BodyLaunchVel; P.AccelRate=BodyWeapon(Weapon).BodyLaunchVel; } simulated function bool AllowFire() { return True; }
class BodyWeapon extends FlakCannon; var float BodyLaunchVel, InitScale; function PostBeginPlay() { //local PhysicsVolume PV; Super.PostBeginPlay(); Level.MaxRagdolls=32; /* ForEach AllActors(Class'PhysicsVolume',PV) PV.TerminalVelocity=20000; */ } function BLVChange() { Level.Game.BroadcastHandler.Broadcast(None, "Body Launch Velocity is now at"@BodyLaunchVel); } gclass BodyFireSpeed extends ProjectileFire; function projectile SpawnProjectile(Vector Start, Rotator Dir) { BodyWeapon(Weapon).BodyLaunchVel+=2000; if(BodyWeapon(Weapon).BodyLaunchVel>20000) BodyWeapon(Weapon).BodyLaunchVel=4000; BodyWeapon(Weapon).BLVChange(); Return None; } simulated function bool AllowFire() { return True; }
Interested Scripters
If you are interested in developing this mod for UT2003 then add your name to the list. Once you start development you should indicate that below (and hopefully include a link to a journal page). Before you start development you should also check this section to see if anyone else has started.
C–B:: Seeing as how I dont actually own UT2003, I wouldnt be able to really do anything, But I just think it would be a great thing to have (My name is supposed to be in lower-case, oh well.).
ZxAnPhOrIaN: ...thinks about the Gary Larson The Far Side Cartoon about the Dobie-o-matic...
DJPaul: I think this mod has been done or in development. anyone got a URL?
Daid303: It's the body launcher, made by ZedLep, I found a link [here]
Camper at Heart: ZedLep's bodylauncher doesn't appear to work in UT2K4. Gives me, at least, a general
protection fault when I attempt to use it. Anyone know enough to try to fix it or tell me I'm the only one
with a problem?
General protection fault!
History: UObject:rocessEvent <- (BodyFire DM-1on1-Albatross.BodyWeapon.BodyFire0, Function Engine.WeaponFire.ModeDoFire) <- UWeaponFire::ModeTick <- AActor::Tick <- TickAllActors <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- Level Albatross <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Realloc <- 676F4C57 0 FArray <- FArray::Realloc <- 0*2 <- FMallocWindows::Free