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Mod Ideas/EB-Lobber


The EB-Lobber would be a heavy tank, like the one in the UT2k4 demo, but less square shaped. It should have a big tail that picks out huge energy balls and lobs them (catapult, sort of) far away. The driver would operate the tail and two lasers fixed forward. The second guy would have the same canon as on the UT2k4 tank.

This should be a (circular?) hovering tank. Thinking more of it, this sounds pretty much like a mix between the Federation tank in StarWars 1, mixed with the Gungan catapult. Hmm, seems like a rip off, but it would be cool! ;)


Foxpaw: I don't think we need bigger, tougher vehicles. Right now there's a shaky balance between the vehicles. What advantage would the regular tank have over this - that is, why would anyone use the regular tank instead? Since the tank is already arguably the "best" vehicle in UT2004, I don't think that it would help gameplay to make something the same only even more powerful.

Mosquito: Foxpaw, thats not completely, afew well placed seeking missles at a Tank from a raptor does the trick

Foxpaw: Well, yes, I think that DE ensured that there was always something that could beat each vehicle. I merely think that the tank can beat more types of vehicle than any other type of vehicle. (Basically anything except a raptor, or possibly a hellbender if you have a few people in it. Though, if you have someone in the minigun turret, even raptors aren't a problem.)

Legal: The downside of this vehicle would be the slow speed and low ROF. The Raptor is rather useless, as a turret picks it down easily.

Foxpaw: Well, since it has a regular tank turret PLUS the ball launcher, it's combined ROF would have to be at least equal to the regular tank. And the regular tank is pretty slow already.

Legal: The turret I'm referring to is the small MG for the passenger, not the main gun ;)

Also, this tank would be very slow, not moving faster than a player can run. This would of course make it bad for close combat and travelling distances, but imagine the big purple ball striking the ground 300 meters away and sending out lightning bolts (same as Lightning Gun) in a 512 uu radius..

It'd be a sitting duck, apart from the minigun turret and the fixed short-range cannon, but the awesome power of the catapult would surely be worth it.

Foxpaw: Oh, so it'd be like artillery, instead of a tank? That could be a good thing then. It would, at the very least, force players to be more aggressive. (by forcing them to keep on the move)

Legal: Yeah, pretty much. Due to the low speed it wouldn't be able to turn fast enough to use its big CC guns or the catapult when attacked from the side, leaving the defence to the minigun turret. So really, it would be great for bombarding the opponents base, wreaking massive havoc, but it wouldn't last long without some backup. Though I doubt it'd matter much if you are moving, as it would be slow.

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