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Mod Ideas/Firestarter

This is currently in production. All feedback is greatly appreciated.


The basic idea is that for 30 seconds any player who looks into the firestarter's eyes catches on fire and not so slowly burns to death. Players who catch on fire will start to spawn appropriate fiery particles and may have their vision distorted by the burning. Players who catch on fire will burn as long as the firestarter has charge. Fire damage will ignore armor and will not be put out by fire. To help balance this effect I think firestarters will not be able to use normal weapons for the duration of the effect. I'm pretty sure I can't make the model's eyes light up, but I may try to have the character leave behind burning footprints or somesuch.

The majority of this has to be done by the end of the quarter for my final at [Ai-SF], so we'll see how much gets done. =)

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