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Mod Ideas/Gliding Scorp


to mirror the post on the forums:

The most awesome idea just came up in IRC

[23:20] <stex> they should alter the scorpion so when you open the blades it turns into a glider

[23:20] <_Foo_> lol that would ****ing own.

[23:20] <_Foo_> hard.

[23:20] <_Foo_> Jesus, that's actually a really, really good idea >:E

[23:20] <stex>

[23:20] * _Foo_ smells a mutator

[23:20] <stex> imagine taking down 4 people building a node by landing on them with blades open

[23:20] <_Foo_> allow it to get a little pace up and take off

[23:20] <stex> lol :-)

[23:21] <stex> scorpion's chasing raptors

Perhaps something to finally make the scorpion have its own distinctive edge on the battlefield.

Dont get me wrong, it's a nice vehicle as it is.. any more firepower and it's OTT, but I think this idea would rule::

I didn't come up with this idea, I just saw it on a forum. If you scroll down you can see DrSin saying it was planed that the scorpion would glide with its wings extended but was forgotten.

Maybe not to much lift, just enough to cross ravines and get some airtime off a cliff. Why not implement a stall angle so if you go airborn at the wrong angle of attack the car stalls and you go plop.

Interested scripters

Foxpaw: That's an interesting idea. However, I can see a couple of potential problems with it. (other than the fact that the wings are way too small and since they're razors they're sharp at the front and expand toward the back which is pretty much the opposite of an aerofoil) Number one, the razors can be broken off. Number two, gliding serenely at a scorpions pace in a nice predictable path is going to be a lot more dangerous, not to mention slower (no traction to propel you) than driving.

Mosquito: I guess the idea is that its more of a way to bridge distances then to really fly. Like a slower fall. So if you have your razors out, you go farther on jumps.

craze: why not just replace the blades with big orange wing things that fold out or something cool like that?

T1: Turns out that I already did this with a mutator I'm working on that will give all the vehicles various fun abilities. Other things include giving the hellbender a speed boost with the fire buttons which you can use as many times as you want, but if you go too fast, chances are that you'll flip the vehicle. Also, I'm giving the Goliath a jump ability. Other vehicles are still in the works.

Missilemaster: You're not the only one. I'm doing something sort of similar, a simple pack-thing with wacky vehicles, and one I just finished is a flying Scorpion. It's very fun, but difficult, to fly around (you have to keep moving pretty fast or it falls...wouldn't make much sense to let it hover :P). It actually works by spawning (and tossing you into) a new vehicle subclassed off the Raptor when you take off, and puts you back in a regular Scorpion when you land; but you can't see any change (which is a good thing!). If this topic doesn't turn out to be dead, I might release the current version separately so you can try it out.

Missilemaster: Looks like it is dead, but in any case, here's the Flying Scorpion at last, almost exactly 2 years late: [(insert description here)] It's been quite popular so far, considering how old UT2004 is. :)

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