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Mod Ideas/GoneHunting

Mod ideas for UT 2003 – Gone Hunting


This is a team game for 2-4 teams. The object of the game is to catch more creatures than the other teams in the time limit set by the game, or, reach the target number of caught creatures before any of the other teams. Because there are different types of creatures target limits can be set for a number of each of the creatures (this will become clear as you continue to read).

Creatures are caught by knocking them out, accomplished suprisingly enough by shooting them till the fall over. Once knocked out they must be carried back to the teams "creature pen". If a creature is knocked out but not collected then after a certain amount of time - determined by how much "damage" it received at the point it was knocked out (say 2 seconds per additional damage point over the "knockout limit").

If a creature is not picked up before its knockout time expires it will get back up again, and gain some growth points in the process. Creatures never revive when they are being carried. However, while a creature is being carried the carrier takes damage based upon the creatures growth state - the bigger the creature the more damage the player will take. IF the player dies while carrying the creature back to their creature pen then the creature will be dropped and it's "revive time" will continue counting from where it left off. The creature may revive after it's been dropped - again gaining some "growth points".

Over time the creatures will grow, getting bigger, harder to knock out and more dangerous. Indeed - the creatures fight back. The following creatures exist in the world.

  • Bird - These fly around in the sky and drop rocks on people that shoot at them. The rocks fragment on impact to the ground so some splash damage is recieved.
  • Grazer - Fairly dumb beasts than run when startled. They take a lot of killing though and if they hit you while charging it hurts. They can also run faster than the players can.
  • Spitter - These beasts spit nasty acid at players that attack them.

There are to be no more than two types of each creature on the map at any one time. When a creature is placed in a creature pen it turns into a small statue of the creature, and another creature of the deposited type is spawned somewhere on the map. The default "growth" stage of the creature increases over time so creatures gradually get harder to capture.

It is possible for teams to steal creature statues from opposing team's creature pens, but the statues are very touch to carry (players take twice as much damage as normal).

Summary of configurable options just in case it's not obvious:

  • Time limit
  • Total creature capture limit
  • Tagret number of birds that must be caught
  • Target number of grazers that must be caught
  • Target number of spitters that must be caught
  • Initial growth state of creatures
  • Amount of time before creatures grow (when on map)
  • Amount of time before the default creature growth state (used for respawning creatures) increases.

Interested Scripters

If you are interested in developing this mod for UT2003 then add your name to the list. Once you start development you should indicate that below (and hopefully include a link to a journal page). Before you start development you should also check this section to see if anyone else has started.


EntropicLqd: Should bigger creatures be worth more points? - seems reasonable since they hurt more to capture. I have no idea how to even begin to build this mod at the moment.

ZxAnPhOrIaN: Seems like a cool concept! I have a suggestion: You should include strenth points. When you carry the creatures back to the base you waste strenth points, not health. When the strenth points are depleted, it should say "You are exausted! Wait until you regain strenth points.". The default lenth that you should have is 1 strenth point per second. The max amount of strenth points you can have should be 200. You should have a configurable option that alters the strenth regen speed.

EntropicLqd: Strength points seems like a more balanced idea than killing the payers off for carrying the creatures around. It just seems a bit girly.

ZxAnPhOrIaN: Why does it seem girly? :Confused:

EntropicLqd: Well, you don't die or take damage if you the poor stunned beasties around - you just "lose strength". Taking damage = stereotypical manly thing to do.

ZxAnPhOrIaN: That is not what I meant. If the beasts revive (while your holding them, that is), they can slash you to pieces. You lose strength by carrying the beasts around. If your strength points go beyond 0, you lose tons of your life, and you "shrivel up" because natron (a kind of salt used in mummifying, FYI) builds up in your blood. :D

Depleted Strength = "Real-Life"

Gibbed when carrying a revived beast = Awesome scene :P

Taking Damage after depleted strength = Mummifying (did I spell that right?)

Postal: I had an idea like this based on a Dr. Who book. A sort of hunting grounds of the most dangerious game from many planets across the universe, all put in a nice small area so you can hunt them, or perhaps there hunting you.

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