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Fullname: Nicholas Rhead

Email: nickr@planetunreal.com

Age: 25

Location: Leicester, UK

Info: Currently working as a software engineer. Using my spare time exploring C# and XNA and slowly coming back into the Unreal coding scene.



Did a small clean up/update of this wiki page. More coming soon!

UT2K3 Mods


UT2K4 Mods


  • [Capture Strike Version 1.1] - Capture Strike is a fast paced blend of Capture the Flag and CounterStrike. Teams take turns at Attacking or Defending and battle until one team is dead, or the Attacking team captures the flag.
  • [Virus Version 1.0] - My take on the classic TimeSplitters 2 gametype.
  • [FlameTag Version 1.0] - My take on another classic TimeSplitters 2 gametype.

In Progress

  • None



Tarquin: Hi & welcome to the wiki :D

NickR: Cheers! :D

Trystan: Welcome to ze Wiki Nick. Pleaze make zourself comfortable. May you never leave again! Muahahaha! Er, cough, hi Nick. =)

NickR: I am very comfortable. Maybe just a little too comfortable... ;)

Mychaeel: ...a web design company working on a commercial game? Interesting. What kind of game is that? – By the way, the Red Rover 2003 link is broken.

NickR: It's based on the Unreal engine and will probably be release on the XBox that's all I can tell you, Sorry.

GRAF!K: I didn't know Warfare would be released on Xbox(!). Is it going to be Xbox-only like Championship? Or can you not tell us that either?

NickR: It's not an Unreal game, just a game using the Unreal engine.\

GRAF!K: Is Warfare – not your game, based on Warfare – going to be Xbox only?

NickR: I don't know. I don't work for EPIC.

NickR: It seems I have too many ideas, so little time!

RegularX: Thought I'd mention, UnrealXL, the successor to both Freehold and the XPaks, will have akimbo w/ nearly any weapon: [21] ... but it's not mutator, it relies heavily on custom pawn code to play traffic cop for the weapons. I'm not sure it could be done as a mutator, at least not without supplanting the pawn, which at that point seems redudant w/ XL gametypes. But I'd be happy to share the code or break out how the framework works if you wanted to try to mutate it.

NickR: Damit! That should say mod not mutator. Anyway, my akimbo code works but I'm just trying to work on the firing code right now. I want to have two seperate primary and secondary fire keys.

Mosquito: I was reading up on your dark frontier project, sounds like a dumbed down version of the idea rant I made last year in my [mosquito/notebook], feel free to steal ideas from it because I currently don't plan on doing anything with the idea, its alot more complex then your dark frontier though, its more numbers oriented and less action, but it might give you some inspiration, cheers.

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