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One Way Volume

This is a two actor system I coded last night that only allows players to pass through it in one direction.

class OneWayPhysicsVolume extends PhysicsVolume;

// Volume to handle adding and removing players from the affected array.

var array<Pawn> MyPawns;
var array<vector> MyLocs;
var() bool bAffectsRed, bAffectsBlue;  // For team games.

simulated event PawnEnteredVolume(Pawn Other)
    local int i;

    if(Level.Game.bTeamGame && ((Other.GetTeamNum() == 0 && !bAffectsRed) || (Other.GetTeamNum() == 1 && !bAffectsBlue)))

    for(i=0; i<MyPawns.Length; i++)
        if (MyPawns[i] == Other)
            return; // Make sure this pawn isn't already in the array.
        if (MyPawns[i] == None) {
            // remove empty slot
            MyPawns.Remove(i, 1);
            MyLocs.Remove(i, 1);

    MyPawns[i] = Other;
    MyLocs[i] = Other.Location;

event PawnLeavingVolume(Pawn Other)
    local int m;

    for(m = MyPawns.Length - 1; m >= 0; m--)
        if (MyPawns[m] == Other ||MyPawns[j] == None)
            MyPawns.Remove(m, 1);
            MyLocs.Remove(m, 1);


Then the actor that actually handles the movement:

class OneWayChecker extends Actor

var() edfindable OneWayPhysicsVolume MyVolume;
var float ObjectAngle;

function Tick(float DT)
    local int k;
    local rotator R;
    local vector B, NewLoc;

    if(MyVolume == none)
        return; // If there's no volume assigned, destroy this actor.

    for(k=0; k<MyVolume.MyPawns.Length; k++)
        if(MyVolume.MyPawns[k] != None)
            // Find out the angle between this actor's rotation and
            // the rotator of the player's last and current position.
            // I know this next line could be optimized by not using acos.  :)
            if(acos(Normal(vector(Rotation)) dot Normal(MyVolume.MyLocs[k] - MyVolume.MyPawns[k].Location)) < ObjectAngle)
                // Find the rotator perpendicular with this actor.
                R.Yaw = Rotation.Yaw + 16384;
                // Find a point along that rotator.
                B = MyVolume.MyLocs[k] + vector(R);
                // Find the point where the player's location intersects
                // perpendicularly with the line between those vectors.
                NewLoc = MyVolume.MyLocs[k] + Normal( B - MyVolume.MyLocs[k] ) * ((( B - MyVolume.MyLocs[k] )
                    dot ( MyVolume.MyPawns[k].Location - MyVolume.MyLocs[k] )) / VSize( MyVolume.MyLocs[k] - B ));
                // Keep the player's Z axis position.
                NewLoc.Z = MyVolume.MyPawns[k].Location.Z;
                // Move the pawn to this new position.


Set up in the editor, it looks like this:


The direction of the checker's arrow indicates where the player will be able to walk. Trying to go against this arrow will stop the player.

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