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Mosquito: I just got back from getting my glider pilot licence and while in the air this occured to me.

While in a banked turn, lift has both a verticle and horizonal component

When you roll the aircraft, the lift goes sideways, but I have a feeling that in the unreal flight model when you go into a bank, the lift continues to go staight upwards, even to a 90 degree bank. Right now in order to turn you must bank and then pitch through the turn, which is stupid, because the horizonal component of the lift should pull you through it. I am a pilot, and trust me, you never [b]ever[/b] pitch through a turn, because you will end up pointing your wing tip at the ground and go into a spiral dive, which then rips your wings off after the G forces and speed builds up. You keep your nose up in a turn, but you never pitch to tighten your turn. If at all possible, the lift should be in relation to the rotation of the aircraft.

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