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Pawn (DX)

DX :: Object (DX) >> Actor (DX) >> Pawn (Engine)

Pawn, the base class of all actors that can be controlled by players or AI.

This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified.

Xhiris: But it looks like that didn't stop Ion Storm! :)


Rotator AIAddViewRotation
Additional AI variables - DEUS_EX STM
float animTimer[4]
lip synching stuff for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
bool bCanGlide
DEUS_EX STM – added for flying/swimming states
bool bIsSpeaking
lip synching stuff for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
bool bOnFire
misc. stuff for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
float burnTimer
misc. stuff for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
bool bWasSpeaking
lip synching stuff for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
Decoration carriedDecoration
travel added for DX
int HealthArmLeft
hit extents for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
int HealthArmRight
hit extents for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
int HealthHead
hit extents for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
int HealthLegLeft
hit extents for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
int HealthLegRight
hit extents for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
int HealthTorso
hit extents for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
string lastPhoneme
lip synching stuff for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN
float MinAngularSize
Additional AI variables - DEUS_EX STM
string nextPhoneme
lip synching stuff for Deus Ex - DEUS_EX CNN


float AIHorizontalFov
Additional AI variables - DEUS_EX STM
float AngularResolution
Additional AI variables - DEUS_EX STM
float AspectRatio
Additional AI variables - DEUS_EX STM
float SmellThreshold
Additional AI variables - DEUS_EX STM
float VisibilityThreshold
Additional AI variables - DEUS_EX STM


Name Alliance
Additional AI variables - DEUS_EX STM



Look direction - DEUS_EX STM



bool AddInventory( inventory NewItem )
modified by DEUS_EX AJY
bool AdjustHitLocation( out vector HitLocation , vector TraceDir )
Edited by DEUS_EX STM (some code commented out)
float AICanHear( actor other , optional float Volume , optional float Radius )
New AI functions - DEUS_EX STM
float AICanSee( actor other , optional float visibility , optional bool bCheckVisibility , optional bool bCheckDir , optional bool bCheckCylinder , optional bool bCheckLOS )
New AI functions - DEUS_EX STM
float AICanSmell( actor other , optional float smell )
New AI functions - DEUS_EX STM
bool AIDirectionReachable( vector focus , int yaw , int pitch , float minDist , float maxDist , out vector bestDest )
New AI functions - DEUS_EX STM
bool AIPickRandomDestination( float minDist , float maxDist , int centralYaw , float yawDistribution , int centralPitch , float pitchDistribution , int tries , float multiplier , out vector dest )
New AI functions - DEUS_EX STM
ChangedWeapon( )
Modified by DEUS_EX CNN
ComputePathnodeDistances( optional actor startActor )
New AI functions - DEUS_EX STM
Died( pawn Killer , name damageType , vector HitLocation )
UT has a mutator hook which this doesn't.
DropDecoration( )
Modified to turn off translucency by DEUS_EX CNN
EncroachedByMover( Mover encroacher )
gibbedBy( actor Other )
Doesn't check ROLE_AUTHORITY
GrabDecoration( )
Modified by DEUS_EX CNN
string KillMessage( name damageType , pawn Other )
Different in UT
bool LineOfSightTo( actor Other , optional bool bIgnoreDistance )
but only if they are within 1000 distance units does it do the other checks, unless you use bIgnoreDistance
LipSynch( float deltaTime )
lip synching support - DEUS_EX CNN
LookAtActor( Actor targ , bool bRotate , bool bLookHorizontal , bool bLookVertical , optional float DelayTime , optional float rate , optional float LockAngle , optional float AngleOffset )
New in DX
LookAtVector( vector lookTo , bool bRotate , bool bLookHorizontal , bool bLookVertical , optional float DelayTime , optional float rate , optional float LockAngle , optional float AngleOffset )
New in DX
LoopBaseConvoAnim( )
New in DX
LoopHeadConvoAnim( )
New in DX
NextItem( )
Implementation commmented out by DEUS_EX CNN
bool PlayTurnHead( ELookDirection dir , float rate , float tweentime )
New in DX
ReachablePathnodes( class<NavigationPoint> BaseClass , out NavigationPoint NavPoint , Actor FromPoint , out float distance , optional bool bUsePrunedPaths )
New AI functions - DEUS_EX STM
bool SetSkinElement( Actor SkinActor , int SkinNo , string SkinName , string DefaultSkinName )
Very different from UT
StrafeFacing( vector NewDestination , actor NewTarget , optional float speed )
Added new param (speed)
StrafeTo( vector NewDestination , vector NewFocus , optional float speed )
Added new param (speed)


Destroyed( )
DeusEX always removes the pawn (UT jumps out depending on a replication check)
FellOutOfWorld( )
[Xhiris] Doesn't check ROLE_AUTHORITY like UT does
PainTimer( )
Changed by DEUS_EX CNN (drowning damage)
PostNetBeginPlay( )
Almost completely different in DX
PreBeginPlay( )
Added angular size computation - DEUS_EX STM

In UT, not in DX

simulated function SetMesh()

Category Class (DX)

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