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Place A Pickup

This page is one of a sequence of Mapping Lessons.

Previous Lesson:

Instructions for UT2003

For Unreal2 scroll down the page a bit


Now we're going to add a weapon to the map which can be picked up.


To place a Pickup, click the Actor Class Browser button, go to the Inventory Tab, expand xPickUpBase and select xWeaponBase.

Note: This picture is from an earlier version of Unreal, but you get the picture

Note: This picture is from an earlier version of Unreal, but you get the picture

Once you have that done, Right click on the exact location that you want to place the Pickup, and select Add xWeaponBase Here. The Pickup appears in your scene. Now in your scene double click the newly added Pickup. The xWeaponBase Properties window opens. Down at the very bottom, expand xWeaponBase, click in the little arrow on the right and select a weapon type. You won't see any changes in your scene until you build and play the map.

You must build your map before a Pickup, or any actor for that matter, will be accessible in a map.

Now to place the ammunition for the weapons, go up and expand Pickup → Ammo and select the appropriate ammo for your weapon.

Next Lesson:

Instructions for Unreal2


You must build your map before a Pickup, or any actor for that matter, will be accessible in a map.


To place a Pickup, click the Actor Class Browser button, go to the Inventory Tab, and choose what Pickup you want to place, as shown below.

Once you have that done, Right click on the exact location that you want to place the Pickup, and select Add (name of * Pickup) Here.

Make sure the Pickup is a TournamentPickup though, as most of the Unreal pickups will either convert themselves to TournamentPickups anyway.

To place the ammunition for the weapons, go to the Ammo Tab and select TournamentAmmo, ammunition will not work at all in Tournament, so be careful when you choose, as many of the weapons have the same name.

Not every Pickup for Unreal will work in a Tournament map.

Next Lesson:

mosquito: some of the images are missing

Musicalglass: Added UT2003 specific instructions

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