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QuickSort is a useful, very fast, algorithm that is used for sorting arrays. For more information, see Wikipedia logo Quicksort.

For this to work

  • The array to be sorted is called MyArray.
  • The values High and Low represent the range that is to be sorted.


  1. Split the array in half, set x to be the value of the partition element.
  2. Starting from the bottom, increment the Low (i) value until you reach a value that is equal to or higher than the partition element (x).
  3. Starting from the top, decrement the High (j) value until you reach a value that is lower than or equal to the partition element (x).
  4. If the element at array index i is less than or equal to the element at array index j, swap them.
  5. Goto 2, until i is larger than j, where you proceed.
  6. QuickSort calls itself twice recursivly to sort the upper/lower parts of the array.


Function SortArray(Int Low, Int High) //Sortage
//  low is the lower index, high is the upper index
//  of the region of array a that is to be sorted

    local Int i,j;
    local String x;

    i = Low;
    j = High;
    x = MyArray[(Low+High)/2];

    //  partition
        while (MyArray[i] < x)
            i += 1; 
        while (MyArray[j] > x)
            j -= 1;
        if (i <= j)
            i += 1; 
            j -= 1;
        } until (i > j);

    //  recursion
    if (low < j)
        SortArray(low, j);
    if (i < high)
        SortArray(i, high);

Function SwapArray(Int EL1, Int EL2) //Function to swap two elements in an array
    Local String Temp;

    Temp = MyArray[EL1];
    MyArray[EL1] = MyArray[EL2];
    MyArray[EL2] = Temp;

Wormbo: Function calls are slow, so it might be a good idea to include the code for swapping the array elements in the main function.

Foxpaw: I've done that in my implementations, but perhaps it's easier to understand when it's modular in this fashion.


The above functions assume you are sorting a string array, but you can easily adapt it for any type of values. When sorting struct or object arrays you will probably want to overload the < and > operators.

Here's an example that could be used e.g. for arrays of weapons:

// operator >
// operator <
// Greater than and less then operators for Inventory objects.

static final operator(24) bool > (Inventory A, Inventory B)
  if ( A == None ) {
    return B != None;
  else {
    if ( B == None )
      return false;
    else {
      if ( A.InventoryGroup != B.InventoryGroup )
        return A.InventoryGroup > B.InventoryGroup;
        return A.GroupOffset > B.GroupOffset;

static final operator(24) bool < (Inventory A, Inventory B)
  return B > A;

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