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Ramx Universe

Welcome Home !!!




Ramzal_X are my nicks.

I'll talk about me later, for now i needed only to create this webpage.

Im a Java programmer and webmaster. I'm sure that my participation to this community will be worth the try.



  • Here are my expected contributions to this wiki:
    1. Management and organisation of data/articles.
    2. Minor errors correction in tuts/articles/everything i see an error.
    3. Finishing unfinished tutorials, how-to.
    4. Helping others with bugs.
    5. Meet competent programmers and learn from them.
    6. Share all my knowledge when possible.
    7. I will post some tutorials/articles when they are ready for public.
    8. I plan on releasing some mutator with fully commented source.
    9. A lot more to come, just do not have time for now, cya.
  • Message me if interested to talk/speak/chat with me.

Current Contributions


Tarquin: Hello. welcome to Unreal Wiki! :)

EntropicLqd: Hi, welcome to the Wiki. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

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