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Hello, welcome to the person Unreal Wiki page of SafeFire, enjoy your stay

About Me

My real name is Carl-Johan, I am a student at HTX (Higher Technical Exam), roughly equivalent to american Highschool.

I am at the time of writing 16, I live in Copenhagen, Denmark and have been all my life.

But never mind that, on to the unreal oriented stuff.

I have been doing levels for the unreal engine since late 2002, and I never really stopped. It has become sort of an addiction to me.

I did little to no real work with the unreal 1 engine, since I was fairly young back then.

But when ut2003 came out, I saw a new inspiring possibilities before my then young eyes.

It was then that I for the first time actually ended up creating something even remotely playable. One room, taller than wide, with an ion satellite hanging at the top. I even took the time to decorate it with some egyptian meshes, but I never got any further. But back then, that was amazing for me, I was 13 of age then, and I saw that one room as a whole battleground.

Since then I have been steadily learning all the tricks and trades of the engine and, most prominently for my part, the editor.

It is only within the last year that I have "come out of the closet" and actually released something decent, not that my past "non-noobish" work wasn't, but I can be a little shy on the topic of showing off my work.

But now I feel that I am skilled and wise enough to set up a page here and start giving back some of what this place has given my over the years.

ps. I also have a snick passion for writing, which has helped greatly over the years.


Everything Unreal oriented projects go in here.


Everything that might be of interest to the visitors of this site, but isn't directly unreal oriented, goes in here.


SafeFire Please leave all comments or discussion concerning this page here :)

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