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UT2004 :: Object >> ScriptedAction (Package: Gameplay)

ScriptedActions are used by ScriptedSequences. These allow mappers to create complex behaviours for actors without actually programming in UnrealScript. You can think of this as a bit like creating macros in an application. ScriptedAction has a HUGE number of subclasses, each which carries out a particular kind of action.

See also Creating And Using ScriptedActions.

Available Actions

  • Latent actions stop the execution flow of the scripted sequence until their task has been finished.
  • Several actions by design can't be used with a ScriptedTrigger. They're marked separately below.

Environment Control

Action Class Latent? ScriptedTrigger? Purpose
ACTION_ChangeLevel? No Yes Sends the server to another level.
ACTION_DestroyActor? No Yes Destroys all Actors with a given Tag.
ACTION_PlayAmbientSound? No Yes Plays an ambient sound.
ACTION_SetCorona? No Yes Sets the bCorona property for all Actors with a given Tag.
ACTION_SetHidden? No Yes Sets the bHidden property for all Actors with a given Tag.
ACTION_SpawnActor? No Yes Spawns an Actor.
ACTION_TriggerEvent? No Yes Fires the given Event.

Player Control


Action Class Latent? ScriptedTrigger? Purpose
ACTION_ConsoleCommand? No Yes Executes a console command on the server for the instigator.
ACTION_DamageInstigator? No Yes Inflicts damage on the instigator.
ACTION_DestroyPawn? No No Destroys the instigator's Pawn.
ACTION_ForceMoveToPoint? No Yes Instantaneously moves the instigator to the specified point.
ACTION_KillInstigator? No Yes Kills the instigator with a given DamageType.
ACTION_PlaySound? No Yes Plays a sound.
ACTION_SetPhysics? No Yes Sets the instigator's physics mode.
ACTION_TeleportToPoint? No Yes Instantly teleports the instigator to a given destination, optionally displaying a respawn/teleportation effect.

Human Players

Action Class Latent? ScriptedTrigger? Purpose
ACTION_DisplayMessage? No Yes Sends a message to the instigator or all players.
ACTION_FadeView? Yes Yes Fades the instigator's view to a given constant color.
ACTION_GotoMenu? No Yes Opens a given menu on the first found human player's screen.
ACTION_LocalizedMessage? No Yes Displays a certain LocalMessage on the instigator's screen.
ACTION_PlayLocalSound? No Yes Plays a sound for all human players in the game.
ACTION_PlayMusic? No Yes Sets the music for either the instigator only or all human players in the game.

ScriptedControllers and Bots

Action Class Latent? ScriptedTrigger? Purpose
ACTION_ChangeTeam? No Yes Changes the instigator's team.
ACTION_ChangeWeapon? No Yes Changes the instigator's Weapon (if present in his/her inventory).
ACTION_Crouch? No No Tells the instigator to start crouching (as opposed to walking or running).
ACTION_FinishRotation? Yes Yes Waits until the instigator has finished rotating towards its goal.
ACTION_FireWeapon? No Yes Tells the instigator to fire its current weapon.
ACTION_Freeze? Yes Yes Freezes the instigator.
ACTION_FreezeOnAnimEnd? No Yes Freezes the instigator after its current animation has ended.
ACTION_Jump? No Yes Makes the instigator jump or dodge.
ACTION_MoveToPlayer? Yes No Makes the instigator go to its associated player.
ACTION_MoveToPoint? Yes No Makes the instigator go to a specified Actor specified by its Tag, or the UnrealScriptedSequence actor's location itself if none is specified.
ACTION_PlayAnim? No No Plays an animation for the instigator.
ACTION_Run? No No Tells the instigator to start running (as opposed to walking or crouching).
ACTION_SetAlertness? No No Sets the instigator's alertness.
ACTION_SetViewTarget? No No Tells the instigator to focus on the actor specified by a given Tag.
ACTION_ShootTarget? No Yes Tells the instigator to start shooting its current target.
ACTION_StopAnimation? No No Stops the instigator's current animation.
ACTION_StopShooting? No Yes Tells the instigator to stop shooting its current target.
ACTION_ThrowWeapon? No Yes Tells the instigator to throw its weapon.
ACTION_TurnTowardPlayer? No No Tells the instigator to turn towards its associated player.
ACTION_Walk? No No Tells the instigator to start walking (as opposed to running or crouching).

Flow Control

  • Scripted sequences can contain conditional blocks. A conditional block starts with an ACTION_IfCondition? or an ACTION_IfRandomPct? and ends at an ACTION_EndSection?. Blocks can be nested.
  • There is support for loops built into the code, but no scripted action that exposes that functionality in UnrealEd. You will have to combine ACTION_IfCondition? and ACTION_GotoAction? to create conditional loops.
Action Class Latent? ScriptedTrigger? Purpose
ACTION_ChangeScript? No No Continues execution with a different script.
ACTION_EndSection? No Yes Marks the end of a section of script actions that was started with ACTION_IfCondition? or ACTION_IfRandomPct?.
ACTION_GotoAction? No Yes Jumps to a given action number within the current sequence.
ACTION_IfCondition? No Yes Skips all actions up to the next ACTION_EndSection? unless a given TriggeredCondition is enabled.
ACTION_IfRandomPct? No Yes Skips all actions up to the next ACTION_EndSection? with a given probability.
ACTION_LeaveSequence? No Yes Stops this scripted sequence.
ACTION_WaitForAnimend? Yes No Waits until the instigator's current animation has ended.
ACTION_WaitForEvent? Yes Yes Waits until the given Event has been fired.
ACTION_WaitForPlayer? Yes No Waits until the instigator is within a given distance of its associated player.
ACTION_WaitForTimer? Yes Yes Waits until a given number of seconds has elapsed.

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