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About Me

I'm pretty new to Scripting for Unreal Tournament, but been a long time fan of the series and now I'm trying to give something back. Even if it'll just be a bunch of simple Mutators. My first bit of working Script came out a hour or so ago and all it does is alter how high a player can jump. Pretty simple.

However, I'm not sure the limit, but a 1,000,000 UU jump just means you'll go splat. But it's certainly fun, sort of. Heh.

Anyway, in the upcoming weeks, I'm sure my skills will expand as will this little page. As for now, any help and encourgment would be a great boon.

Current Projects

This is the stuff I'm presently working on to further my knowledge. I assume it's rather simple, but since it's under this listing, I haven't made it work how I imagined yet.

Stealth Vehicles The ambition of this Mutator is to make players always in Stealth mode, but also apply to vehicles when they are in them. I've got the player part done, but even seeing if vehicles can do stealth elludes me.

LinkGun Modifications I hang out in #Unrealscript on ETG IRC. Someone was talking about how they were having problems changing the damage of projectiles. Thus, I embarked to try it myself and ran into the same problem he did. Any help on this matter would greatly help two people.

Foxpaw: So then.. you haven't indicated the problem that you and this other fellow ran into. ;)

Selethrial: D'oh.. an innocent mistake. The problem is that the game refuses to use our modified Projectile data. I include the source of my mutator here: LinkGun Source

Foxpaw: Refusing in what way? The first thing I notice is that you attempt to set FireModeClass=Class'XLinkgunAltFire' when FireModeClass is an array.. it needs to read FireModeClass(0)=Class'XLinkgunAltFire' or FireModeClass(1)=Class'XLinkgunAltFire' depending on which fire mode you want to replace. (1 is the primary fire, I believe)

Selethrial: Indeed, but 0 is primary fire. I think, because of my laziness, the exporter didn't return the (0) I had in there.

function Projectile SpawnProjectile(Vector Start, Rotator Dir)
    local LinkProjectile Proj;

    Start += Vector(Dir) * 10.0 * LinkGun(Weapon).Links;
    Proj = Weapon.Spawn(class'XWeapons.LinkProjectile',,, Start, Dir);
    if ( Proj != None )
        Proj.Links = LinkGun(Weapon).Links;
    return Proj;

Someone pointed that out. The other person figured it out but I'm a little stumped. This is in the Epic Source for LinkAltFire.uc I'm not sure what I need to change to work it in my own.

Foxpaw: In that case I need more information. You say that it refuses to use your projectile data. How do you mean it refuses? It won't compile, or it compile and runs fine but does not do additional damage? Is the pickup message correct? If it will fire at all, fire a projectile, quickly pause the game, go to windowed mode, and punch in "editactor class=Projectile" at the console.. then see what it says at the caption of the window that pops up. (It should say "LinkGunProj properties" or something to that effect.) See if it is the name of the class of projectile that it's supposed to be launching or not.

Selethrial: It compiles and in the game, I get my special message for picking up a LinkGun. Doing what you ask, I'm giving a box that says 'LinkProjectile Properties' so it's using the Epic version.

Foxpaw: What about the weapon? What comes up if you try editactor class=LinkGun?

Further Plans

Given my active imagination, I have plenty of ideas, but most of them are of a skill level way above where I am right now. Since even talking about them would distract from my goal to learn, I'll save them for later when I work on them.

Also, I'm open to ideas, especially if they'll work to improve my skills by showing me new things, but in small steps. Anything too complicated will just confound me.

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