Setting Up VCPlusPlus/The CPP File
In your C file, include the following:
# both from the unreal public sources #include "core.h" #include "engine.h" # the include that was generated by ucc #include "$UNREALDIR\SQLite\Inc\SQLiteClasses.h"
Strangely enough, the macro IMPLEMENT_PACKAGE doesn't do what it's supposed to do. Instead, add the following line next: (replacing HCSQLIB with the name of your package)
Then, tell unreal which class(es) this file is implementing. Use
Third, tell unreal which functions you're implementing:
Replace PACKAGE with the name of your package, ID with a UNIQUE number for static functions, or -1 for non-static functions. FUNCTION is the name of your function, prefixed with exec.
Next, since you didn't use IMPLEMENT_PACKAGE (which doesn't work), you'll have to define your own DLL entry point yourself.
BOOL __stdcall DllMain(HINSTANCE hInInstance, DWORD dwCallType, LPVOID lpPretendIDontExist) { if(dwCallType == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { // initialize your dll hInstance = hInInstance; } else if(dwCallType == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { // do some cleanup } return TRUE;
Finally, your function:
Note that the parameters are the same for all functions, no matter what parameters are defined in the corresponding .uc file. See the [native coding reference]? for more information about how to obtain parameters. Also note that the variables s1, i1 and i2 are defined by the macros P_GET_STR and P_GET_INT automatically. The guard and unguardexec macros actually create a try..catch block.
This function takes a string and two integers as parameters and returns the product of the two integers.
void MyPackage::execTest(FFrame& Stack, RESULT_DECL) { guard(MyPackage::execTest); P_GET_STR(s1); P_GET_INT(i1); P_GET_INT(i2); P_FINISH; (*(DWORD*)Result) = i1 * i2; unguardexec; }
The according unrealscript function would look like this:
native function int Test(string sStringThatIsIgnored, int iFactor1, int iFactor2);