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UT2003 :: Actor >> Inventory >> Weapon >> Annoyance >> Sarcasm

Head- head- headup.

I'm Shuriken, Shuri to most (idiot to some). I've been in the Unreal scene since I received Unreal Tournament as a present in 2000 - and fell in love with the game, and the series :). For the last year I've been into UT2003, mostly in content creation as opposed to actual playing.

My history in custom content creation began when I tried making maps in UT. I created quite a lot, most of them being... well... 'below average' crap. After a year of making maps I had about six or so released, a few of them actually being fun to play. After that I tried my hand at doing some skins, which were basically simple recolours. Not very good, to say the least. But in UT I was very into custom content. I had hundreds of maps, models, mutators, mods.

And onto UT2003, this continued. My mapping was put on hold, because of Windows 98 - UnrealEd 3 has 'issues' with anything other than WinXP. After upgrading though, I was straight back into it. And skinning, but less seriously in that. And this was the starts of my custom content obsession, which has since gone on to learning to code, and modelling in 3dsMax.

I have a homepage at [planetunreal.com/shuri]. You can find links for all my work there.


Returned, and finished up the page. Updated info.
Well, I've created this page. At the moment it's in a state of being mid-finished (as all my things end up usually...), I'll add links etc soon.


Got a basic grasp - can do weapons mutators at least ;)
Experience in both UEd2 and UEd3.
PhotoShop 7
Not too great, but I can get by.
3ds Max 5
Beginner to average. Done quite a lot of basic things in here.




I'm a member of the Chaotic Dreams team, creators of ChaosUT2: Evolution. This mod has a very successful history, starting from ChaosDM for Quake2, onto the original ChaosUT for Unreal Tournament (both of which got onto special edition disks of the respective games), and now ChaosUT2 for UT2003. I help out in quite a few ways on the team, mapping, testing, and I'm getting into the coding as well. Recently, ChaosUT PR1 tied for Best Mutator in Phase 1 of the Make Something Unreal Contest.

Current version: Public Release v2.01


This mutator is a remake of pne of the most popular weapons in the Unreal series. It is coded and modeled by yours truly, and skinned by Loric. Although it has some bugs, the feedback has been overwhelmingly good, which I am pleased about.
Created in conjuction with TheSquirrelKing, a coder. This had been something I had wished to do for a while, and so I asked him if he wished to do the code for it. It is a mutator that can be used in any team game (duh...) and will make your weapons be skinned the colour of the team you are on. Fun to play with.


Skin for Gen Mo'kai male. Very simple.
Reskin of Lilith/Fate. I like this one, nice style.


Map for ChaosUT2's Duel gametype. Set in a low-grav space station, it offers very different gameplay from the other maps in the mod. I like the visuals, very Oceanic-y.
Maps for ChaosUT2's Duel gametype. A Ruination-a-like, small bowl map with a tower and statics forming bridgways. Nice for duel.
Conversion of the stock map CTF-Chrome, for Double Domination play.
1on1 map. Not too great to play in, but I'm proud of the visuals in the map.
Created with Insidious for the Stairs gametype.
Various UT maps
I've forsaken all knowledge of these, but if you really want to see some - try CTF-Hypheus and CTF-Vertika.


Shuriken: Hi all.

RegularX: Greets Shuri!

Wormbo: Hey there Shuriken! Welcome to the Wiki. :)

GRAF1K: Welcome to the wiki. :tup: Seems you already have a good handle on the markup. :)

Shuriken: Thanks all! The wiki has always been such a great source of information for me, I thought I may as well help add more for other people :)

SuperApe: Welcome to the wiki. Your formatting threw me. :)

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