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Solid Snake


Solid Snake or Snake for short. My real name is James Tan, although more often that note, you will see my work annotated with James 'Solid Snake' Tan.


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Fooling around with Unreal Engine 3.0 (via Roboblitz)

So this is what I've done so far. I've been able to import skeletal meshes along with animations, and I've already created my own game type, with my own player controller and pawn. Great!


Hello from Unreal Engine 3.0 land!


- This tutorial discusses how to make your own controller (AI / Player) for RoboBlitz

- This tutorial discusses how to use WOTGreal with RoboBlitz

- This tutorial discusses how to import your skeletal meshes and animations into RoboBlitz

- This tutorial discusses how to open a simple UIScene within Unrealscript in RoboBlitz

- This tutorial discusses how to use the UIScene editor, along with Kismet for UIScene. While its not fully complete, it gives a good introduction.

- This tutorial discusses how to make your own pawn in RoboBlitz. This part only discusses about the code mainly.

- This tutorial discusses how to use the AnimTree Editor in Unreal Engine 3.0.

- This tutorial concludes the previous two tutorials, and discusses everything else you will need to know about creating your own custom pawn. INCOMPLETE - WORK IN PROGRESS

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