A reference to a sound within a sound package. A list of sound packages and the sound effects within them can be found in UnrealEd's Sound Browser. A common use of the Sound class is:
The Following Example Can Be Used If You Want To Use A Variable:
class MyActor extends Actor; var Sound TheSound; function SomeFunction() { PlaySound( TheSound ); } defaultproperties { TheSound = Sound 'MySoundPackage.MySoundGroup.MySound' }
The Following Example Can Be Used If You Don't Want A Variable:
class MyClass extends MyActor; #exec OBJ LOAD FILE="..\Sounds\MySoundPackage.uax" //This may or may not require you to put this line in. function SomeOtherFunction() { PlaySound(sound'MySoundPackage.MySound') } DefaultProperties { }
For this class in UT see Sound (UT).
Sound Group
- float Likelihood (native)
- float BaseRadius
- float VelocityScale
- byte Data[48] (native, const)
- Script comment: "sizeof (FSoundData)
- Name FileType (native, const)
- String FileName (native, const)
- int OriginalSize (native, const)
- float Duration (native, const)
- int Handle (native, const)
- int Flags (native, const)