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T1/Developer Journal

October 29th 2004

I'm working on a called Slaughter. Basically the idea of Slaughter is to recreate the Half-Life mod Scientist Hunt (http://www.telefragged.com/thefatal/scihunt.shtml) in UT2004, replacing scientists with Skaarj (with offensive abilities disabled (or maybe I'll just use Nali)), and a few gameplay changes. Scientist Hunt is based around seeing which player can slaughter the most defenseless scientists. I've created the gameinfo class and it works OK, made the default weapons of UT2004 appear ingame with super berserk active and also added 2 weapons of my own (The Kalashnikov (more powerful assault rifle/sniper rifle combo), and the Thor Cannon (an insanely powerful improved minigun (increased fire rate, 30 damage per shot.)), and made two maps (SLT-Test and SLT-Massacre).

October 30th 2004

Alright. I increased the amount of gibs by a large amount and made a few BloodExplosion xEmitters spawn when something is gibbed. I made a super-shieldgun. The secondary fire knocks the targets toward you so that you can shield gun them more easily. I was working on a new map, SLT-Murder, but the UnrealEd goblin ate it.

I remade SLT-Murder. I made a Flak Machine Gun. I fixed a few bugs. And I replaced the Skaarj with Nali.

November somethingth 2004 (This wasn't October 30th.)

I made some new weapons (Jega Rifle, Autorocket, Fusion Rifle) and added a secondary fire to the Flakmg. Made weapon lockers work right. I was working on a map but the unrealed goblin ate it (AGAIN :X). I changed the shield gun secondary fire and made it add (0,0,90000000) to the target's velocity causing them to fly up into the air, bounce off the ceiling/skybox then gib on the ground a few seconds later (it's raining Nali :D).

December 26th 2004

All right. I'm done with most of the fun parts of the Slaughter code I just have to debug and optimize and stuff like that now. But I had some interesting fun with Karma yesterday. I made a DM map full of Kactors and stuff. One of the things was 2 floor static meshes from CP_Mechstaticpack (I think thats the name) connected by a hinge that swings like this:

  |	      >		     <

And then I started a match with my Kinetic Rifle mutator and Low Gravity on, and jumped on top of the KActors. Then I had fun with firing the altfire of the Kinetic Rifle (pulls things towards you) at the floor plate I was standing on and it made it float up in the air but also tilt, so I had all kinds of fun see what kind of flips I could make the thing do while me still being able to land on it. It was really hard to do at first but then I got the hang of it and I could do all kinds of crazy stuff like start making it roll over, jump, continue making it roll until it lands on it's side, then I landed on it's side, double jumped, pulled it towards me and landed on it in mid-air.

January 16th, 2005

WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Slaughter Public Beta 1 released! The site is at blacknoise.f2o.org. Does anyone know anything about getting download mirrors?

January 17th, 2005

ARGH. Turns out my beta tester somehow managed to include 3 maps that don't work and weren't supposed to be included when he uploaded it on his 3 meg for me (I have 56k). So I brokenified the link.

January 18th, 2005


Febuary ihavenocluewhatdayitisandimtoolazytofiguretogogetupandstareatthecalendarforafewseconds, 2005

http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?t=153764 <– oops wrong link

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